Email Acquisition Campaign
INSIGHT: A house feels more like a home when it’s filled with love.
There’s a place a lot of kids call home – it’s our house, Ronald McDonald House.
It’s a beautiful, caring place where families can surround their sick kids with love.
Our house is full of stories. Some are happy. Some are sad. Some are about
miracles. But they are all about life. We want you to come hear our stories. Meet
our families. Meet our people. See what we do. And why we do it. We want you
to know us better. Because we believe that the more you do, the more you’ll
understand how your generous donations make all this possible. We want you
to call this place home, too. And know that it’s part of a community you are
helping to build – the human one.
We invite to join us.
Digital Banner Campaign

Facebook and other Social Media

Video Storyboard

INSIGHT: When we help someone else’s family it feels like we’re helping our own.
My family is your family. We all belong to each other. And we help each other the way families do. When you make a donation to RMHC, you’re like an aunt who cared to do something kind. Or an uncle who thought, “I can help”, and he did. There’s a family out there with a sick child that needs the extra little bit of caring that someone like you can offer. You are the aunt they didn’t know they had. RMHC wants you to know how important you are as part of our family. Every little bit helps. Every donation is a gesture of kindness, from someone like you – who values families as much as we do.
Welcome to the family.

Diane Andreoni Associates, Agency
Melinda Roenisch, Creative Director (Copy)
Melissa Voetberg, Creative Director (Design)